Friday, December 12, 2014

Mathis and My Role Playing Rules

So for my next play through of Skyrim, I decided to try out a favorite build on The Skyrim Blog website. I really like the Sorcerer build by Mason.

My next character is named Mathis. He is a Breton from Cyrodiil.  I plan to write up his back story for my next post. I have already begun play with Mathis and am thoroughly enjoying it.  He is nowhere near the Sorcerer build described in Mason's build. And since I am role playing his adventure, I will be organically working toward that build.

Below are some of the role playing rules I am incorporating into this play through:

  • Even though I am following a build, Mathis must have an in-game reason for the things he does.
  • Mathis must eat 2-3 meals a day. (Seems like a no-brainer to me.)
  • Mathis must sleep everyday.
  • Level-ups will occur after Mathis gets a full night's rest. (Like in Oblivion, Mathis will need to sleep to gain his next level. No saving a level up for emergency heals.)
  • Mathis is limited to what he can carry around with him.
    • 1 dagger
    • 2 weapons (This is in addition to his dagger. Staves will count as weapons)
    • 1 full suit of armor
    • 2-3 sets of clothes
    • 10-15 potions maximum
    • 3 days worth of food (Since there is no way to drink water in this game, I will assume he carries a waterskin as well.  After all, you cannot drink wine and mead all the time.)
    • 5-10 soul gems
    • Anything else, I think he can realistically carry with him.
  • Mathis can carry more equipment as loot.
    • 1 more weapon over his allotment
    • 1 suit of armor or shield (3 minor pieces of armor can be substituted.)
    • Anything else, I think he can realistically haul away
  • No Fast Travel allowed. In fact I will limit Mathis to mostly walking. Every now and then I may have him jog for short bursts. Carriages will be OK, if Mathis thinks he can afford it.
  • Other rules as I come up with them.

This should be an interesting play through for me as I will have to come up with reasons for why Mathis does stuff.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Welcome Back to the Nightblade Chronicles!

It has been awhile since I posted about on the Nightblade Chronicles.

Short story is real life got in the way and I had little time for playing Skyrim. I have lost the saved game files with Vargas and will not be able to finish his tale.

However, I do plan on restructuring this blog and beginning to keep a journal of a new character I started recently.

What do I mean by restructuring?

  1. I will archive the Vargas posts onto their own page or several pages.
  2. I will create a new page for the new character.
  3. Still throwing this idea around - but I might create a page for roleplaying tips or tricks.
Please stay tuned...