
The Nightblade Chronicles was my (failed) attempt at keeping a journal of Vargas's journey through the game of Skyrim. I have a problem called "Alt-Itis." I like the game so much that I want to try out different character concepts and never get fully immersed into one character. This journal was supposed to help me stay on track with Vargas.

Due to real life getting in the way, I stopped playing Skyrim for several months. Vargas's save got lost and this blog was forgotten. I have archived his short story on the Unfinished Tales page. I am starting a new character and recording his adventure here now.

Skyrim has been out for a couple of years now. This is the only warning that I will post. My blog will probably contain quest spoilers. If you do not want to read spoilers, see the last line below. :)

This blog is meant as a personal reference for myself, so that I can refer back to it if I quit playing for a little while. If you have found your way here, I hope that it is at least slightly entertaining for you. If it is not, there is probably a little X at the top of your screen. If you click that, this page will close. :)