Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Nightblade

What is a nightblade?  

It has been a character class since The Elder Scrolls: Arena was released.  One of my favorite classes, the nightblade melds stealth, magic, and precision together to overcome obstacles and defeat foes.  So what does a nightblade look like in Skyrim, since they did away with character classes altogether?  If you do a search on nightblade builds, you will see that everyone has a different idea.  My nightblade build will consist of others ideas as well as my own.

Instead of writing out a complete build, I will just give you the general concept.  The nightblade will use the shadows to avoid detection from his enemies.  While undetected, the nightblade will strike out with his magic or dagger with precise intelligent attacks.  If anybody remains standing, the nightblade will slip back into the shadows and prepare to strike again.

So, I'm looking at a few skills to work on.  Illusion, sneak, and destruction will be the major skills that I will use.  The nightblade's minor skills will be one handed, alteration, restoration, and enchanting.  There will probably be some minor dips into lockpicking and pickpocket as well.

I debated with myself for quite a while about using light armor or not.  I am going to play the nightblade without armor for the sole fact that I haven't played a character without armor before.  Also, if I my play style is to try not to be detected or get hit, what good is armor anyway.  If the nightblade gets into trouble, alteration and restoration can both be used.

In my next post, I will actually begin playing the nightblade in vanilla Skyrim.  As for the race of my character, that will be decided shortly.  I am on the fence between Redguard and Imperial.

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