Vargas makes his way back to the College of Winterhold. In the quarters of the Archmage, Vargas informs Savos Aren of the giant magical orb Tolfdir is guarding inside Saarthal. Savos is immediately impressed with Vargas and asks him to do some research about the orb while he helps Tolfdir get it to the college.

Vargas heads to the Arcaneum to look for books referencing the orb. Urag gro-Shub tells Vargas that an ex-student of the college ran off with some books recently. He remembers one of those books containing information about giant magical orbs. Orthorn, the ex-student, ran off to Fellglow Keep to join up with some rogue wizards.
Vargas gets a little rest in is dorm room before departing for Whiterun.
After the long wagon ride to Whiterun, Vargas meets with Farengar to discuss the events at the college. (There is no wagon to hire from Winterhold to Whiterun, but that sounds better than saying, "Vargas Fast Traveled to Whiterun." You can probably expect more of that. Also, I disenchanted some items near Farengar in Dragonsreach. This caused me to gain level 8; hence the mention of Farengar. For my level 8 perk I chose Animage from the Illusion skill tree.)
The next day, Vargas departs for the mountains to the west of Whiterun to find Fellglow Keep.
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