Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Riverwood & Whiterun

Vargas leaves Riverwood and heads to Whiterun, the largest city in Whiterun hold.
Important Meeting
During the short trip to Whiterun, Vargas gathers some of the local flora to test for alchemical properties.  After persuading the guards at the gate that he saw a dragon attack Helgen, they take him to see Jarl Balgruuf.

Leaving out the fact that he was a prisoner of the Imperial Legion, Vargas tells of the destruction of Helgen and his narrow escape through the dungeons. The Jarl is impressed and gives Vargas a mission to enter Bleak Falls Barrow to acquire a Dragonstone for his court mage.  Bleak Falls Barrow is and ancient Nord crypt in the mountains above Riverwood.

Vargas makes his way back to Riverwood and begins his ascent up the mountain.

Excerpt from The Nightblade Chronicles 
I was right to go to Skyrim.  The civil war and the appearance of the dragons had everyone confused.The Jarl of Whiterun actually thought I was some kind of hero.  I did his tasks just to get on his good side.
Dead Wolf = Level Up
(So during the trip to Bleak Falls Barrow, I gained enough skill to get a level up.  When I level I will raise my magic every even level and my health every odd level.  Stamina will be raised every 5th level.  I don't know what kind of ratio that is, but it will be easy to remember. I chose the first perk in the Sneak skill tree for this level.  I will probably following this tree far enough to get Assassin's Blade.)

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