Thursday, November 28, 2013

Why Did It Have To Be Spiders?

Vargas Approaches His Next Victim
Vargas continues up the mountain toward Bleak Falls Barrow outwitting several bandits in the process.  At the top of the snow capped summit, the Nordic tomb menacingly beckons to Vargas.

Inside the tomb, Vargas finds more bandits camped.  Using his magic, he is able to get the bandits fighting each other. Vargas creeps up on the survivor of the battle and drives his daggers deep into his back.

Dead Bandit = Level 3
(With this level, I chose to pick the Novice Illusion perk. This should help with my magic consumption. I had run out of magic outside Bleak Falls Barrow fighting the three bandits there. Sorry there are no screenshots, but one of them shot the other in the face with an arrow. Frenzy spells are fun.)

Now That's A Big Spider
Vargas works his way through the ancient crypt looking for the Dragonstone. Ahead of him he hears the cries of someone that needs help.

Rounding the corner, Vargas sees a bandit stuck in some webs. A giant spider descends from the ceiling staring menacingly at Vargas. Vargas quickly dispatches the spider with lightning.

After the battle with the giant spider, Vargas cuts Arvel the Swift out of the webs. Arvel proceeds to flee through the crypt. Vargas brings him down quickly with lightning as well. Vargas finds a golden dragon claw in Arvel's bag.
Excerpt from The Nightblade Chronicles 
Treachery and deceit are rampant among the people I have met. As soon as you turn around, someone tries to stab you in the back.

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