Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Shocking Dead

Dead Draugr = Level 4
As Vargas descends deeper into Bleak Falls Barrow, he gets and uneasy feeling. The bodies of the ancient Nords begin to awaken and target the only living soul around. Vargas brings down several draugr with his lightning spell.

At one point, he is surrounded by draugr and quaffing magic replenishing potions to keep his spells going.

Dead Draugr = Level 5
(Since Illusion spells don't work against undead, I was running around shocking everything at this point. My destruction skill went up considerably while fighting the draugr. For my level 4 perk I chose Novice Destruction. For level 5 I went with Destruction Dual Casting.)

Continuing through the crypt, Vargas comes across an interesting door. Flipping through Arvel's journal, Vargas figures that the golden claw must be used to open the inner sanctum of Bleak Falls Barrow. Turning the dials to match the inscriptions on the golden claw, Vargas is able to open the door.

Electrocution, Vargas-Style
Vargas is sure the Dragonstone is located at the heart of Bleak Falls Barrow.  He continues into the inner sanctum and is greeted by a draugr overlord.

Much like his minions, the overlord is breathes it last breath...again. Vargas finds the Dragonstone nearby.

Excerpt from The Nightblade Chronicles 
Some may like fire spells, others like ice spells. Lightning spells, add a greater element of fear in my opinion.

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