Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Dragon Falling

Irileth and the guards arrive as the dragon swoops down on the watchtower. Smoke obscures Vargas's sight as the dragon breathes fire all around. Making his way down the tower, Vargas hears the dying screams of on of the guardsmen. He sees the dragon throw a limp body across the battlefield before it takes flight again.

Dragon Falling
Vargas gets on top of some rubble and lets loose a lightning bolt into the dragon. This causes the dragon's attention to turn to Vargas. A spout of flame churns forth from the dragon's mouth as Vargas leaps off the rubble. Irileth distracts the dragon long enough for Vargas to get out of its sight. As the dragon closes on Irileth, Vargas moves in from the side and lets loose his full reserve of magic into the beast's heart.

Absorbing A Dragon Soul
The dragon topples over and the guards all shout in victory. The dragon's body combusts into flame and Vargas can feel a surge of power storm through his body. After the a few moments the flames die down and Vargas roars into the sky uncontrollably. Irileth and the guards are shaken. Vargas quickly heads back to Whiterun as the guards look at him nervously.

Excerpt from The Nightblade Chronicles 
The more I shouted in the dragon tongue, the more I began to control this internal power. I did not embrace this power in the beginning because it felt unnatural.

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