Monday, December 2, 2013

Dragon Rising

Vargas, Irileth, and Farengar make their way upstairs to meet the Jarl in the war room. One of the guards from the Western Watchtower, reports that a dragon is attacking. The Jarl wants Whiterun to meet this threat head on with the full force of the Whiterun guardsmen. After ordering Irileth to gather the guards, Jarl Balgruuf ask Vargas to help with this threat. Vargas is the only one around that has seen a dragon and lived to tell about it.

Pep Talk
Vargas agrees to help and meets Irileth near Whiterun's city gate. Irileth gives the guards a speech about honor and valor to boost their morale. Vargas explains to the men what they are up against and the best strategy for bringing down the dragon. (Shoot it full of arrows and stay away from the fire and teeth!)

As the guards make their way toward the Western Watchtower, Vargas moves on ahead to scout out the area. The watchtower is in flames and only one of the guards stationed there is still alive. The dragon is nowhere to be seen, so Vargas make his way to the top of the tower. Looking down on the destruction, Vargas hears the roar of the dragon as it swoops in from the sky.

 Excerpt from The Nightblade Chronicles 
During the dragon attack at the Western Watchtower of Whiterun, we were better prepared to face the threat. My previous experience and the courage the men showed gave us all the confidence in the world.

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